About our Church
Mooers Wesleyan Church was established in 1872. Fifty five years later, the buildings were destroyed by fire, but the congregation’s spirit was not. The present day sancturay and parsonage are products of the rebuilding which took place following the devastation.
In 1966, the small congregation understood it’s need of a place for activities and a fellowship hall was added to accomodate about 60 people. It was used for various church socials and included a tiny kitchen, two small bathrooms, with additional classrooms downstairs. In 1998 the church took on further renovations reversing the sanctuary, which added a much larger platform, and a more family friendly accesible area for children. Just recently additional property next to the church was purchased which now serves as a vibrant growing youth center, with men and women’s Bible studies as well.
The Local Board of Mooers Wesleyan Church is now planning future renovations. We feel we are a growing a church and want God to continue to grow His family here.
About our Pastor
Pastor John Gillette has been the Pastor of Mooers Wesleyan since 1998. Pastor John and his wife Diane, have three daughters and two granddaughters. As a couple they have taken on spiritual and renovation challenges with a desire to see the church grow into a place where both American and Canadian families can come to worship. Living Hope is a radio program that Pastor John has done on WCHP for several years ministering to New York, Vermont, and Montreal, Quebec. With a hope to help establish stronger home and families there are classes aimed to help couples in their relationships. As Senior pastor he challenges the church family to a higher and deeper standard in Jesus, and in that desire has been a leader in establishing a local food shelf, a team that ministers to the homeless monthly in Montreal, and there are misisons that outreach to children through Samaritans Purse.
Pastor John serves on the District Board of Ministerial Development, Evangelism and Church Growth, and the Board of Houghton College as a trustee.
What We Believe
Statement Of Purpose
As members of Mooers Wesleyan Church, our purpose in Christ is
- to worship sincerely
- to pray earnestly for the growth of Christ’s Kingdom in this place
- to accept discipleship opportunities
- to show love and Christlikeness in all these
That together we may face and fulfill the ministry Christ has for us.